Client Testimonies
"My life is filled with struggles, disappointments, pain, heart break & many terrible choices! However I have grown and conquered with the help of God filled with major comebacks!. My personal journey is to heal from all the broken pieces and to continue working on some peace & happiness in my life, and also to be the best mother, motivator & inspiration for my kids and special people I have encountered throughout my life". #HumbleBlessedandThankful
Yaaasss I Have Accomplished!
"Assertive women are often labeled as being bossy or bitchy. People don't realize what a wonderful trait assertiveness is to have. I am proud to be an assertive woman. I know what I want and what I need to do in order to reach my goals. I exude confidence & pride in all that I do..."
Yaaasss I'm Assertive!
"I am Alejandrina owner of HalloQueen. Over the years I struggled with finding, loving & believing in myself. August 2017 I began my makeup journey and my life changed for the better. During this time I have gained self confidence in my looks & makeup classes. I gained self discipline to help better run my business, in a short amount of time I've accomplished so much. 1st feature in Audacious magazine, lead makeup artist for Saphire Chic Modeling & winner of Battle of Brushes 2019. Although my journey has just begun I am excited to see what else is in store for me. HalloQueen is continuously growing & I couldn't be more proud, I hope to influence others to follow their dreams!..."
Yaaasss I'm Self-Disciplined!
Client Testimonies
#2 Client Testimonies
"I have encountered hurt, pain, and insecutity in my life. Feeling like I wasn't good enough in my past or present relationships, not trusting others and always doubting myself. I am now progressive and self-determined to let go and make conscious decisions to stop reliving the past which is my choice because it gives me some form of freedom in my choice. I have chose to Express my pain and stop blaming others and recongnize that I am a huge part of this world and I'm feeling more assertive each day by telling myself I do matter because it shows in my family, friends, and my work surroundings".
Yaaasss I'm Self-determined!
"Being self-confident is what you want and won't settle for less. With this powerful trait that I possess, I am able to lift other women up by leading the way for our young girls. All with grace, passion and love".
Yaaasss I am Self-confident!
"I yearn to be the best woman I can be. I am a working progress. I may not be perfect but I embrace all my imperfections. I love me and that's what is the most important thing in the world. As the world turns, I will continue to evolve into the best woman I can be".
Yaaasss I Yearn!
#3 Client Testimonies
"Some may think I am feisty, but I am assertive. Where I am in life today is due to my assertive attitude. I go after what I want and take a stance no matter what curve balls life throws at me".
Self-Determination is in my DNA Period, Climbing the ladder of success is mandatory, instead of tiptoeing in fear. Taking the leap of faith, shows self-determination, strength, and dignity. I'm clothed with laughter, without fear of the future. I carry a weapon which is prayer. I will always win.